Individual - definitie. Wat is Individual
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Wat (wie) is Individual - definitie

I. a.
Particular, special, separate, single, one, unique.
Peculiar to one alone, one's own, peculiar, personal.
Full of character, positive, decided, self-guided, unconventional, independent, unique, sui generis.
II. n.
Person, personage, character, being, somebody, some one.
Unit, single instance, particular one or object.
Person (in the high or emphatic sense), person full of character, self-directed being, self-determined being.
·noun An independent, or partially independent, zooid of a compound animal.
II. Individual ·noun The product of a single egg, whether it remains a single animal or becomes compound by budding or fission.
III. Individual ·adj Not divided, or not to be divided; existing as one entity, or distinct being or object; single; one; as, an individual man, animal, or city.
IV. Individual ·noun A single person, animal, or thing of any kind; a thing or being incapable of separation or division, without losing its identity; especially, a human being; a person.
V. Individual ·adj Of or pertaining to one only; peculiar to, or characteristic of, a single person or thing; distinctive; as, individual traits of character; individual exertions; individual peculiarities.
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
Individual means relating to one person or thing, rather than to a large group.
They wait for the group to decide rather than making individual decisions...
Aid to individual countries would be linked to progress towards democracy...
...cheeses which come in individually wrapped segments...
ADV: usu ADV with v, ADV adj, also ADV with cl
An individual is a person.
...anonymous individuals who are doing good things within our community.
If you describe someone or something as individual, you mean that you admire them because they are very unusual and do not try to imitate other people or things.
It was really all part of her very individual personality...
ADJ [approval]


An individual is that which exists as a distinct entity. Individuality (or self-hood) is the state or quality of being an individual; particularly (in the case of humans) of being a person unique from other people and possessing one's own needs or goals, rights and responsibilities.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Individual
1. individual after individual.
A Guided Meditation on Altruistic Love and Compassion _ Matthieu Ricard _ Talks at Google
2. individual.
Rewriting Publishing with Podcasts _ Scott Sigler _ Talks At Google
3. individual.
Mission Street Food _ Anthony Myint & Karen Leibowitz _ Talks at Google
4. individual.
Games Primates Play _ Dario Maestripieri _ Talks at Google
5. individual.
Games Primates Play _ Dario Maestripieri _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Individual
1. "Individual children have individual needs and abilities...
2. In the past, housing misfortunes affected individual people, individual banks, individual investors.
3. Individual children have individual needs, individual abilities, and individual interests Real equality means giving every child the education that is best for them.
4. It can vary from individual to individual and culture to culture," said Stuart J.
5. Figures for individual insolvencies comprise bankruptcy orders and individual voluntary arrangements.